Student Final Year Project

Koh Siew Hong
Numerical Signal Generator Using Altera PLD
The Library
Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering
Call Number
621.395 KOH

The aim of this project is to build an economical laboratory signal generator by using Altera programmable logic device. This project makes use of Altera's PLD hardware and Max plus 2 application software. The signal generator has its usage in various applications. For example, one method of sine-wave generation is based on positive feedback system that employs the principle of oscillation. However, it may cause instability due to positive feedback. Another approach of generating a sine wave is based on the concept of look-up table which contains the 256 values of cosine function with 0.7 degree apart from each other. The basic idea is to use lookup tables of the normalized waveforms (sinusoid, triangular, square wave) for generating the required output by using technique such as scalling (time and amplitude) and numerical interpolation.